Relieve Buch Photography

Buch photography is one of the best establishments in carrer de Munt in Sant Andreu de Llavaneres.

A photo studio with almost 40 years of experience providing all the services for lovers of this important art when it comes to image: studio sessions, reports, weddings, photography for industry and business, personalized albums, digital development .... All this with a motto: "Our goal, your smile".

Toni Buch, Buch's soul photographing, goes over. It's time for him to retire, but he wants the establishment, which has been alive for more than three decades, to continue going forward with the same strength as it has so far or more. "And I have found the ideal person to do it and we will make a transition period together," he says. This is Juan Ignacio Sánchez-Izquierdo, an extraordinary photographer, a close collaborator of Buch photography for 17 years as the author of photographic reports. As Juan Ignacio explains "I have been a customer first and foremost in local commerce. I want to continue what works and also open new lines and, in particular, focus on new technologies."

Buch Photography's regular customers will continue to find the same quality, close attention and best services and advice in all areas of photography, both amateur and professional. The establishment will continue to be a reference in the Maresme in social reports, company and studio photos, plotter printing, custom frames, etc. This change of direction wants to become a sum: "Toni has his personal look and I have mine, but the line will remain the same", emphasizes Juan Ignacio.

Among the new services that the heir of the business wants to offer is the rental of the photo studio for all types of sessions with advice and accompaniment on their part; Or the "photo experiences", or a great weekend plan: monthly outings with Llavanarencans interested in improving their technique with the camera. "Fun and dynamic that allow you to experience emotions," he says.

In short, our town is in luck. It continues a world-class artistic tradition and at the same time is committed to integrating new trends in the photographic and recreational fields.